SeeStorm for Skype:
Animate your Skype talks with 3D avatars

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is SeeStorm for Skype?
SeeStorm for Skype is one of SeeStorm's innovative software products. The application is implemented as a standard hardware video driver and imitates the performance of an ordinary web camera. That's why it is able to substitute a web camera in generating video output.
SeeStorm for Skype generates synthetic video basing on real-time animation of 3D characters (avatars) by a voice stream.
The application SeeStorm for Skype is a configuration of SeeStorm software tuned to be integrated with Skype as a plug-in.

2. How can I benefit from SeeStorm for Skype?
With SeeStorm for Skype your on-line voice chats become visual and at the same time - really full of fun ;) And there is no video streaming, that is, no traffic increase. It's worth playing with, as never before your voice conversations have been so expressive :)

3. What technologies stand behind SeeStorm for Skype?
SeeStorm for Skype core is based on SeeStorm proprietary speech processing technologies and solutions: Voice Activity Detection, Phoneme Recognition and Lip Synchronization. Voice stream is analyzed in real-time, to extract phonemes and convert them into animation commands for "bringing to life" 3D characters.

4. Does SeeStorm for Skype work when there are more than 2 parties in a conferencing?
The current version of SeeStorm for Skype supports only peer-to-peer communication. If you go into a conferencing with more than 2 participants, your avatar will be set as your Skype picture, and your partners' talking avatars will turn into static avatar screenshots. A multi-point version of SeeStorm for Skype is coming soon.

5. What does that Hardware Installation warning which appeared during the installation mean?
Since SeeStorm for Skype is a driver of the same kind as drivers supplied with any web camera, the System may assume that some video hardware is being installed and try to check it. Anyway, now we are in the process of solving this disturbing issue.

6. When should the default video and audio settings be changed?
By default, SeeStorm for Skype automatically chooses the settings that suit best to the configuration of your hardware. If your video card provides hardware 3D rendering, DirectX option is activated. If hardware 3D rendering is not possible, software rendering is enabled. So you need not to take care of these settings.
Anyway, you can try to switch between the options to see what will change. Generally, if hardware 3D rendering is available, the output video quality is better with DirectX option selected. However, in some cases of older video cards' versions, the Software option will enable better performance.

7. My avatar - the small one in the bottom-right corner - is not moving at all.
Yes, it's OK :) Your avatar is not expected to move, as it is a static picture - just for you to know how you are seen by your partner in Skype now.

8. My conversation partner's avatar is not talking.
Most probably you are not hearing your partner at all, yeah? ;) Ask him or her to turn on the microphone or check if Skype is working correctly at the moment. As soon as any voice stream appears, avatar begins to follow it.
If everything is OK but avatar is still not talking, this may be caused by the following: you may have switched between audio playback devices, for example, from speakers to a headset, during a Skype call. If yes - please restart SeeStorm for Skype (right-click SeeStorm icon in the system tray and exit the application, then start it again).

9. I switched from my headset to speakers, and avatar stopped talking.
If you are changing your audio playback device during a Skype call, probably you are switching between sound cards - which makes SeeStorm for Skype's operation break. To restore its correct performance please restart the application: exit SeeStorm (through the right-click on the system tray icon) and re-launch it.
By the way, we recommend you using a headset, not speakers, to get the best possible avatar animation. But please note that USB equipment is not supported in the current version of SeeStorm for Skype.

10. Can I get more avatars?
We plan to implement the option of adding new avatars to collection in further versions of SeeStorm for Skype. We are going to provide more pre-made avatars and set up an option to create your own avatars from any portrait photo of your choice.

11. Can I apply new backgrounds?
This feature is to be added in further versions of SeeStorm for Skype as well.

12. Will I be able to upgrade my SeeStorm for Skype? Are the updates free? How can I get the updates?
SeeStorm for Skype application will check if a newer version is available automatically. When a new version appears, you will be prompted if you want to get it. If you choose to get the update and press YES, you will be forwarded to the page of SeeStorm for Skype web site where you will be able to download and install the new version absolutely for free.